
Some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.

但行好事,莫問前程. 不忘初心,方得始終。


2020年9月,于奥卢大学人工智能专业取得硕士学位(GPA 4.24/5),并被授予优秀硕士毕业生;2019年6月,于西安电子科技大学计算机科学与技术学院软件工程卓越班获得学士学位(GPA 3.6/4),并被授予2019届优秀毕业生标兵(Top 1%);2018年9月至2019年5月,受国家留学基金委优秀本科生国际交流项目全奖资助,于奥卢大学交换一学年。个人对计算摄影,人工智能,理财,金融科技,心理学等研究方向感兴趣;个人爱好包括摄影,旅行,烹饪(美食),健身,读书,电子竞技等。个人微信公众号陌上人生

我的编程语言可视化 (WIP 🚧)

这个图表可视化了我对于各种编程语言的使用经历、兴趣,还附带了一些评语和解释等等。 啊我知道对比编程语言是一件很有争议的事情……自娱自乐一下!不要太较真哦 ;)


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Hi, I am Hao Ban, a Camera Algorithm Engineer in Xiaomi Finland. My research interests range from Computational Photography and Artificial Intelligence to Financial Management, Fintech and Psychology.

In the past, I worked on deep learning in University of Oulu - CMVS as a Research Assistant and worked on image post processing (multi-frame technologies, denoising, etc.) in Visidon as an Imaging Software Engineer.

I was awarded B.E. in Software Engineering at Xidian University (GAP 3.6/4) with Outstanding Graduates honor (Top 1%) and MSc. in Computer Science and Engineering - Artifical Intelligence at University of Oulu (GAP 4.24/5) with Distinction grade. I was an exchange student fully funded by Chinese Scholarship Council during 9.2018 to 5.2019 at University of Oulu.

My PL Spectrum (WIP 🚧)

I made a chart to visualize my experiences and interests on some of the programming languages. I know, I know this could be very contraversial. But it’s a quite self-entertaining side project to do right? So have fun and don’t take it too serious!
